The average house price on DUNNOCK CLOSE is £175,516
The most expensive house in the street is 5 DUNNOCK CLOSE with an estimated value of £259,089
The cheapest house in the street is 4 DUNNOCK CLOSE with an estimated value of £127,600
The house which was most recently sold was 3 DUNNOCK CLOSE, this sold on 14 Apr 2022 for £185,000
The postcode for DUNNOCK CLOSE is HU8 9UF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 81 m2 £161,452 £120,000 9 Jun 2016
3 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 91 m2 £191,923 £185,000 14 Apr 2022
4 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 56 m2 £127,600 £40,000 17 Dec 2001
5 DUNNOCK CLOSE Detached £259,089 £151,000 8 Sep 2006
6 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 70 m2 £187,931 £106,000 27 Oct 2009
7 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 67 m2 £165,031 £120,000 4 Feb 2016
8 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 53 m2 £134,410 £108,000 29 Mar 2019
9 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 67 m2 £160,745 £124,000 19 May 2017
10 DUNNOCK CLOSE Detached , 69 m2 £194,586 £117,500 30 Sep 2013
11 DUNNOCK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 75 m2 £164,378 £132,000 24 May 2019
13 DUNNOCK CLOSE Terraced , 78 m2 £183,534 £117,000 17 Apr 2014